"Young Chefs" Competition Comes to Philadelphia at The Restaurant School

The 2007 Confrerie de la Chaine des Rotisseurs Jeune Commis ('Young Chefs') will launch one of ten up and coming chefs into 'super-chef-dom'

The finals of the "Young Chefs" Competition will be Saturday, May 19, 2007 at The Restaurant School at Walnut Hill College in Philadelphia. The winner of this national competition will advance to compete in the international chef competition in Germany late this year.

The "Young Chefs" competition was organized to assist and promote future young chefs by giving them the opportunity to demonstrate their cooking and culinary skills.

It's roots go all the way back to The Chaine des Rotisseurs society which traces its roots back to the thirteenth century and was re-established in Paris in 1950. It is devoted to promoting gastronomy, education, charitable works and enjoying fine food and wine.

Winner to be announced

Each contestant will get an unidentified "secret basket" containing certain basic cooking ingredients. Using these ingredients, as well as various staples, the aspiring chef must compose and execute a 3-course menu for four people. The menu must be completed within the first half-hour, with 3 hours allowed for the execution. Then all dishes are presented to the judges for grading.

The winners of this comeptition of talented young chefs already have bright futures and they will get brighter! Winning the national young chef competition can propel them into actual greatness. The stakes are high and the pressure is immense.

1 comment

  1. Irma Delanoy 28 June, 2010 at 17:12

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