Cranberry Juice Holiday Party Punch Recipe

Holiday Party Punch Recipe with Cranberry and Pineapple Juice

This is my all time favorite holiday party punch recipe. The mixture of red cranberry juice gives it a festive look and the pineapple juice lends a sweetness everyone enjoys. My mom used to make this and put it in a large bunch bowl. She would wrap a holiday garland around the base of the bowl for decoration. It was my job to add the cold ginger ale to the bowl right before the guests arrived.

Holiday Party Punch Recipe

Mix and stir the following ingredients until the sugar dissolves.

4 cups cranberry juice
4 cups pineapple juice
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 Tablespoon almond extract

Chill the mixture. Add 1 quart Ginger Ale right before serving. Enjoy.

Speaking of the holidays, do you need some holiday gift ideas? Read our Kitchen Gadgets as Holiday Gifts article for some gift giving inspiration.

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