Fast and Easy Turkey Tetrazzini Recipe

Turkey Tetrazzini - a delicious turkey casserole

During the holidays we frequently have extra turkey on hand and one of my favorite dinners is to take the leftover turkey and make a yummy Turkey Tetrazzini.

There are a thousand different recipes and variations for Turkey Tetrazzini, but it is basically:

Fast and Easy Turkey Tetrazzini Recipe
Recipe type: Main Dish
Cuisine: Italian
  • 2 cups turkey,
  • Can or jar of cream sauce,
  • 1-2 cups spaghetti noodles,
  • 1 can mushrooms
  • 1 cup mixed vegetables for color
  • Cheese (sprinkled on top)
  1. To make the cream sauce I will often use either a can of cream of chicken soup (and ¼ cup water) or a jar of Ragu Alfredo sauce (my favorite is the low fat cheesy alfredo sauce). I mix the sauce with a can of mushrooms and vegetables. I then add the diced turkey and noodles and mix it up. I sprinkle cheese on the top.
  2. Bake in often at 375 degrees for 25 minutes or until hot.


It is delicious and is a great way to use up the Turkey. Enjoy.

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