Homemade Applesauce Recipe - the easy way


Working Apples Into Your Diet is Smart

Homemade Applesauce Recipe

Homemade applesauce doesn't have to be hard or take all day.

Fortunately my grandmother gave me her recipe that is fast and easy. It is also a recipe you can probably make without a special trip to the store.

I'm especially fond of apple desserts because apples make pastries healthy. Plus apples go so well with ice cream, one of my required foods.

Recently studies have shown that the compounds in apples have been tied to longevity so the old adage "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" has new meaning.

In any case, here's my grandmother's simple recipe for making applesauce. I guarantee its delicious. You'll make it over and over again.


• 4 Apples
• 1/3 Cup Water
• 2-3 Inch Cinnamon Stick
• 1/4 Cup Sugar

Peel, core and dice your apples. Then add all the ingredients into a medium saucepan and simmer for about 10 minutes. Finally you remove the cinnamon stick, mash the apples, cool in the fridge and serve.

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